Life Isn't Always Easy...

Life isn't always easy and picture perfect. Most days aren't blog worthy, but are routine and anything except exciting or extraordinary. The past few weeks have been rough for me. Sometimes life is just difficult.

Adjusting to daily patterns alone has taken me for a spin. Growing up as the youngest of 6 siblings, and having most of them around you for 18 years, to suddenly being pretty much alone for 10+ hours a day is life changing. I've had a lot of days with tears, but also a lot of days to just think and ponder.

Through the past month, the Lord has shown me so many things through so many people. It has taken me a while to realize how good He truly is to me.

He has taught me that family isn't just blood family. It is the closest of friends who just let you come over, sit in silence and work on papers. Who let you drink their coffee, eat their tacos, and enjoy their minecraft. Who even let you run errands for them.

He has also shown me that people on earth are going to let you down. Relationships will never be perfect here on this side of eternity. No matter what though, he is a constant friend, comforter, and keeper. He never will let you down.

He has taught me that yes, even though I am a sinner, there is grace for me. He covers us in his sacrifice. My sin is not bigger than his mercy. My sin is a great burden, that I know deeply, but still He is greater. How selfish of me to think my sin is too big for his forgiveness! "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come! ... He made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Cor. 5:17 & 21 (CSB).

At the end of the day, all is for his glory. The bad and the good. The hard and the easy. The sadness and the joy. He has a purpose for it all and through it He is sovereign.


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