A trip to the Museum

I was having a pretty awful day. My sleep schedule was off, so I stumbled through church. The train/bus ride back took a lot longer than usual. When the time came to leave for the promised trip to the nearby town art museum, I wasn't really feeling it. To be honest, I really thought seriously about skipping and taking a nap. But there I was on the way to the museum anyway.

And you know what? It was a great day. A day to keep in the books. A day I want to remember for a long time. Somehow, just two of us got separated from the rest of the group. We wandered around and found some super awesome exhibits. They were random and weird, but still strangely beautiful. I got yelled at for touching a wooden box (why was it sitting on a table with absolutely no, "DO NOT TOUCH" sign?).

I learned that the rest of the group had also wandered in there at some point too and touched the box. It validated my point, I think. It was a quiet afternoon where I could just gather my thoughts and focus on something else other than kids and the time coming to go back home. It was an afternoon that simply was restful. Exactly what a Sunday afternoon trip should be.

And the people. Ah the people. All of them so very different, and yet so very kind. Those friends I never even thought of making. The trip was made a hundred times better with them by my side. And now that I am thinking about it, wow do I miss their company.




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