DPP 2017- Day 8

DPP 2017 Day 8-

I set my alarm for 3:30 AM, it came and went and still nothing. Thinking the storm had moved its course, I went back to bed a little dissapointed.

So then, imagine my surprise when I wake up at 6:30  AM to Mom and Dilly hurrying out the door to see the first flakes fall. I jumbled out of bed too and grabbed my camera, thinking I'd miss it if I didn't get out there fast enough.

It snowed all morning and well into the early afternoon, melting just in time for me to make the quick drive up to see my sister (driving in the snow has yet to be checked of my list!) and go to a Christmas party. The snow was patchy on the fields all the way up and I even rolled down my windows at one point to blast the cold, fresh air on my face. It was a pretty awesome day.


P.S. I won toilet golf at the white elephant gift exchange... anyone want it? Ha!


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